Welcome to EEI 2025

10th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering (EEI 2025)

March 28 ~ 29, 2025, Virtual Conference

Accepted Papers
M.E.M.S. which Allows the Extraction of Energy from the Vacuum in Accordance with Emmy Noether's Theorem

Sangouard Patrick, Retired From Esiee Paris, France


This theoretical work corresponds to the hope of extracting, without contradicting the theorem of EMMY NOETHER's invariants, an energy present throughout the universe: the spatial quantum vacuum. Without being an impossible perpetual motion, it is theoretically conceivable to maintain with the vacuum energy a continuous periodic vibration of a piezoelectric structure. This vibrating structure generates an electrical power peak during a fraction of the vibration period.They are obtained by automatically controlling the action of an attractive Casimir force deforming a piezoelectric bridge, by an opposite so repulsive and ephemeral Coulomb force. Two automatic switches distribute the mobile electrical charges, to create an ephemeral and repulsive Coulomb force. Electronics without any electrical power supply, then transform these periodic power peaks into a usable continuous voltage. We also present an original micro-technology to realize these electronics, and to control the very weak interfaces between the Casimir electrodes and the Coulomb electrodes.


Casimir, Coulomb, Vacuum Quantum Energy Extraction, Piezoelectric, MEMS.